Submit to IEEE Xplore
How to submit an abstract to IEEE
1-To be published in IEEE Xplore, Authors must submit their abstracts online through the IEEE pdf-express system by June 27th, 2025.
2-Abstracts must be submitted according to the instructions below to ensure abstracts will be readable through the online system and adhere to IEEE publication policies;
3-Create an IEEE PDF eXpress Plus account or log in using your credentials if you already have an account. Use “62551X” for the Conference ID when prompted (New users will receive an email confirming account creation);
4-Upon process completion, the option « Approve for collection » will become available in your account. Press that option if you are satisfied with the final result. The next screen will confirm the status of the paper as « Approved for collection ». The Process is complete you can log off.
5-About the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form. After submission of the accepted paper to IEEE end of June, authors will receive an email from IEEE to fill in the electronic Copyright Form for the submitted paper. This will complete the process for submission to Xplore.
Login at the Main Page: IEEE PDF eXpress
Conference ID for IEEE PDF eXpress: 62551X TBC
Conference ID: 2025 Photonics North (PN) - #62551xp TBC
Deadline: June 27, 2025
PDF step by step Instructions for submission process
Consult the IEEE Requirements for IEEE Instruction Document V3.2.
Info about IEEE Templates
Authors must submit their abstracts online through the paper submission system
Abstracts must be submitted according to the instructions below to ensure abstracts will be readable through the online review system and adhere to IEEE publication policies;
Abstract Requirements
Abstracts may be no longer than 2 pages, including all text, figures, and references.
Please note that after the submission deadline the list and the order of the authors cannot be modified, and must remain unchanged in the final version of the manuscript.
Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. One of the authors must be registered for the conference. Failure to do so will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from BOTH the conference program and proceedings;
Photonics North requires that each accepted paper be presented by one of the authors’ in-person at the virtual conference according to the schedule published. Presentation by anyone else than one of the co-authors is not allowed unless explicitly approved before the conference by the technical co-chairs. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented during the virtual conference will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEE Xplore.
Relation to Prior Work
The text of the paper should contain discussions on how the paper’s contributions are related to prior work in the field. It is important to put new work in context, to give credit to foundational work, and to provide details associated with the previous work that has appeared in the literature. This discussion may be a separate, numbered section, or it may appear elsewhere in the body of the manuscript, but it must be present.
You should differentiate what is new, and how your work expands on or takes a different path from the prior studies.
File (Container) Format
The review process will be performed from the electronic submission of your paper. To ensure that your document is compatible with the review system and Proceedings system, you MUST adhere to the following requirements. Papers must be submitted in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) format and must strictly adhere to the IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents v3.2. These requirements mandate that your files:
Must have ALL FONTS EMBEDDED and SUBSETTED. Font embedding is the primary cause of IEEE Xplore-incompatibility. Refer to your PDF file generation documentation to find out how to embed and subset fonts. The above document provides instructions on how to verify font embedding and subsetting;
Must have either 'US Letter' or 'A4' sized pages;
Does not contain hyperlinks;
Have monochrome images down-sampled at 600 dpi, grayscale & colour images at 300 dpi.
File Size Limit Authors will be permitted to submit files weighing up to 10 MB.
File Name , when submitting your paper, the online submission system will ask you to rename your file with a specific name that will be given to you at that time. Please strictly comply with this instruction. Once again, please note that only PDF files will be accepted.
Writing Language
English is the official language of the conference. As a result, all papers must be entirely submitted (and presented) in English.
Documents should be formatted to standard Letter or A4 format. Any text or other material outside the margins specified below will not be accepted. The following margins are valid for BOTH paper formats:
All text and figures must be contained in a 178 mm x 229 mm (7” x 9”) area;
Left margin must be set at 19 mm (0.75”);
Top margin must be set at 25 mm (1”), except for the title page where it must be set at 35 mm (1.375”);
Text should appear in two columns, each 86 mm (3.39”) wide with 6 mm (0.24”) spacing between columns;
On first page, the top 50 mm (2") of both columns is reserved for the title, author(s), and affiliation(s). These items should be centred across both columns, starting at 35 mm (1.375”) from the top of the page;
The paper abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 12 mm (0.5") below the title area and no more than 80 mm (3.125") in length. Leave 12 mm (0.5 ») of space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text.
To achieve the best viewing experience for the review process and conference proceedings, we strongly encourage authors to use Times-Roman or Computer Modern fonts. If a font face is used that is not recognized by the submission system, your proposal will not be reproduced correctly. Font Size Use a font size that is no smaller than 9 points throughout the paper, including figure captions. In a 9-point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high. For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the proposal much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing. Title The paper title must appear in boldface letters and should be in ALL CAPITALS. Do not use LaTeX math notation ($x_y$) in the title; the title must be representable in the Unicode character set. Lastly, try to avoid uncommon acronyms in the title. Author List The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. ICIP does not perform blind reviews, so be sure to include the author list in your submitted paper. Proposals with multiple authors and affiliations may require two or more lines for this information. The order of the authors on the document should exactly match in number and order the authors typed into the online submission form.
Submission and review
When you have your document file ready, gather the following information before entering the submission system:
- Document file in PDF, document name must be the abstract number, example: 255-AbCD-0919.pdf;
- Affiliation, email address, and a mailing address for each author;
- Paper title;
Questions concerning the paper-submission process should be addressed to [email protected]. Include your paper number(s) and title(s) on all correspondence.